South Island Gallery / Whitewater / 2014-02 Kokatahi and Waitaha  

Awesome weekend on the west coast on the Waitaha and Kokatahi. Both are super-clean at the moment, it is great to be walking stuff because the holes are too big rather than because they sieve out! Paddlers: Chris, Chris, Andy, Mathias, and Florien. Both perfect meduim flows--Hokitika gauge was on 55 and Whataroa on 65.
 P1040584 First rapid of the Kokatahi
 P1040607 Cover shot, super clean at the moment
 P1040636 Carnage gorge is back on! Mathias probing
 P1040638 Big drop on the Waitaha, no water going over the big slide any more
 P1040666 Waitaha gorge portage was probably good to go but no one wanted to go first
 P1040669 Setting off on the Morgan's Gorge portage, crossing to the new track on river right

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